November 16, 2018
MMAPA Members Visit Washington, Urge Congress To Pass The PRIMA Act (H.R. 6809)
The Bipartisan PRIMA Act Will Provide Crucial Investments To Mitigate The Health Care Crisis In Puerto Rico
WASHINGTON, D.C. — This week, members of the Medicaid and Medicare Advantage Products Association (MMAPA), a non-profit association composed of the leading Medicaid and Medicare Advantage organizations in Puerto Rico, traveled to Washington, D.C. MMAPA members met with members of Congress to discuss the need for the Puerto Rico Integrity In Medicare (PRIMA) Act (H.R. 6809).
Puerto Rico’s health care infrastructure remains hobbled by a combination of chronic underfunding and devastation wrought by Hurricanes Irma and Maria. In their meetings, MMAPA representatives explained to members of Congress how PRIMA will help address this crisis by stabilizing Medicare payments, incentivizing doctors to remain in Puerto Rico, and investing in the Island’s health care infrastructure.
Dr. Rick Shinto, President of MMAPA, expressed support for PRIMA, saying, “The American citizens of Puerto Rico deserve a health care system that works. We applaud Representative Jenniffer González-Colón and her colleagues for cosponsoring the PRIMA Act, which will contribute greatly to the Island’s long-term recovery.”
Dr. Shinto continued, “We are hopeful Congress will prioritize passage of this bipartisan legislation to reduce funding disparities in Puerto Rico and make health care more accessible.”
In conjunction with the trip, MMAPA members signed on to a letter urging Congress to pass PRIMA. The joint letter was signed by leaders in Puerto Rico’s local government and health care community.
Additionally, on Wednesday, the Financial Oversight and Management Board (FOMB) for Puerto Rico sent a letter to congressional leadership in support of PRIMA. The FOMB described the bill as “a significant step in the right direction to get Puerto Rico back on the road to stability and economic growth.”
More information about the PRIMA Act is available here.
The Medicaid and Medicare Advantage Products Association of Puerto Rico (MMAPA) is a non-profit organization composed of the leading Medicaid and Medicare Advantage organizations in Puerto Rico. Founded in 2009, MMAPA is dedicated to promoting policy solutions to solve Puerto Rico’s health care challenges.
Media Contact: Jim David or Meghan Pennington Hamilton Place Strategies /